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Dr. Rajan Palui is a top-listed Endocrinologist, through years of experience he has become an expert in his field. He obtained the reputed degree of MBBS from the Calcutta National Medical College and Senior Resident, DM(Endocrinology) from the Jawaharlal Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education And Research (JIPMER) and MD. The Doctor always wants to provide world-class treatment to his patients. 

“Dr. RAJAN PALUI” Locations (1)

Immon Kalyan Sarani, Sector IIC, Bidhannagar, Durgapur, West Bengal 713212 27 Votes
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Dr. Rajan Palui is a top-listed Endocrinologist, through years of experience he has become an expert in his field. He obtained the reputed degree of MBBS from the Calcutta National Medical College and Senior Resident, DM(Endocrinology) from the Jawaharlal Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education And Research (JIPMER) and MD. The Doctor always wants to provide world-class treatment to his patients. 


  • MBBS
  • MD
  • DM


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